Special Needs Transit

The following individuals are eligible to use the Special Needs Transit Service after their application has been approved:

  • Any approved applicant that is a Melfort resident who is unable, without special facilities, to travel from the door of their residence to the door of their destination, provided that it is safe to do so in the driver’s opinion.
  • Anyone who is an approved applicant of a Melfort-based institution (i.e. hospital, nursing home).
Hours of Service:

8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. seven days per week. Please try to avoid booking between 8:00 – 9:00 am and 3:00 – 4:15 pm on school days.

Please note that this is NOT an emergency service, for emergency medical care please call 9-1-1


For service, please call 306-752-5600. It is preferred that all requests for services should be made by 6:00 pm of the previous day to avoid disappointment. Calls will be booked no more than one week in advance. For details about bookings, cancellations, requirements and general information, consult the Special Needs Transportation Service Brochure.
Fare Structure:

  • $9.00 per passenger for a round trip within city limits.
  • $6.00 per passenger for a one-way trip within city limits.
  • $9.00 per passenger outside the city limits, plus $2.42 per km one-way, plus $25.00 per hour.
  • $17.00 per round trip for standing order fares (i.e. school students).
  • $28.00/client/call-out - Extended call-out fee (8:00 - 11:00 pm)
  • Charter Service - $83.00 per hour plus kilometre rate if applicable.
  • Trips are limited to within 40 km's of the City of Melfort. If there is more than one passenger, only one excess charge is applied per trip. If more than one trip is required, the excess charge is applicable for both trips. Out-of-town kilometrage begins and ends at the city limits.
  • Passengers are to pay the operator upon boarding.

City of Melfort
Works & Utilities Department
City Hall – 202 Burrows Avenue West
Box 2230
Melfort, SK S0E 1A0
Phone: (306) 752-5911
Fax: (306) 752-5556