The city is strategically located on the intersection of Highways 3, 6 & 41 and serves as the major retail and service centre of northeastern Saskatchewan. Click here for a full Community Profile.
Mining may become a very important part of our future with Star Diamond Corporation's diamond exploration project at Fort à la Corne. This is one of the largest mining exploration projects in the world and Melfort is strategically located to capitalize on spin-off opportunities, as well as being an ideal location for employees to live in. Visit Star Diamond's web site to find out more at www.stardiamondcorp.com
Doing business is Melfort is rewarding, with employees that symbolize the Saskatchewan work ethic combined with lifestyle and amenities the envy all over the province. Look at establishing your business in Melfort by calling City Hall at 306-752-5911 and talk to our local realtors for up to date information on property listings.
Community Services Department
Melfort City Hall
Phone: (306)752-5911
E-mail: city@melfort.ca
Economic Development Links:
Saskatchewan.ca: https://www.saskatchewan.ca/business
New Sask Community Futures: www.newsaskcfdc.ca