Public Notice & Engagement

Public Notice & Public Hearings
The City of Melfort is committed to providing the community with public notice as require to ensure a fair and transparent decision-making process.   

Community Services

Corporate ServicesBudget News Release

Public WorksNotice of Intent to Construct- Cairns Avenue East
Notice of Intent to Construct - Babbington Avenue E &  W

Public Hearing Process

Public Hearings shall be held in conjunction with a Regular Council Meeting. Any person wishing to speak at a public hearing shall register with the City Clerk's office prior to the public hearing by emailing their name and contact information and if they are in favour or against the proposed item to Any person wishing to provide written submission may deliver it to the City Clerk’s office four business days prior to the hearing. All items provided will be included with the meeting agenda and will be made available to the public. 

Unless otherwise approved by resolution of Council, the following shall be the procedure for the conduct of the public hearing:

  • The chair of the public hearing shall declare the public hearing open;
  • The City Clerk shall provide a brief background on the proposed bylaw or resolution and ensure public notification has been given;
  • The chair shall call for anyone wishing to speak;
  • Persons speaking will have only one opportunity to speak;
  • Presentations shall be limited to five (5) minutes unless the Chair permits otherwise;
  • Each person making a presentation shall give their name and whether they are in favour or opposed to the proposed bylaw or resolution to be recorded in the minutes;
  • Council may ask questions of the speakers after each presentation;
  • The chair of the public hearing shall declare the public hearing closed.

After the public hearing, Council may:

  • Pass the proposed bylaw or resolution; or
  • Defeat the proposed bylaw or resolution; or
  • Make any amendment to the proposed bylaw or resolution and proceed to pass it without further advertisement or hearing; or
  • Request additional information and that the proposed Bylaw be brought forward to a future Regular Council Meeting.


Public Engagement

The City of Melfort wants to hear from you, from time to time the City is looking for public engagement to assist us with maintaining and creating a forward thinking community, please click on any surveys or posters below to participate: