
Located approximately 2 kms west of the Melfort Street/Highway 41A intersection, the Melfort Regional Solid Waste Management Facility (Landfill) is open to all residents of Melfort and the trading area. Users must accept the regulations and the directions of the landfill operator.  Please help us keep the landfill site as clean as possible by separating items as per location signs. 
NOTICE TO HAULERS: Under The Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2002, and Bylaw 2018-03, the release of refrigerants is illegal and verification of the absence must be presented to the disposer. As of October 1, 2008, appliances containing refrigerants will not be accepted at the City of Melfort Landfill without a dealer's tag to confirm the absence of refrigerant and mercury. If you require more information, please contact the Department of Public Works at 306-752-5911. 
Phone: (306) 752-3242

Hours of Operation 
Monday to Saturday: 9:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. 
Sundays & Statutory Holidays - Closed

Fee increase scheduled for June 2024

FEES - effective March 1, 2023

Applicable to all collection haulers of commercial and industrial waste as well as private residents. 
Domestic Garbage, Dry Waste, Metals, Paper and Cardboard 
Resident of MelfortMinimum Charge of $16.50for first 100 kg (220 lbs.)
Plus over 100 kg @ $99.00/1000 kg (2200 lbs.)
Non-ResidentMinimum Charge of $22.00 for first 100 kg (220 lbs.)
Plus over 100 kg @ $143.00/1000 kg (2200 lbs.)
Refrigerators, air conditioners, freezers, chillers, vending machines, water coolers and dehumidifiers will not be accepted at  the City landfill without a dealer's tag to confirm the absence of refrigerant and mercury.


TiresPassenger Vehicle Tires - $8.00 per tire                       
Medium Truck Tires (600 mm) 21"-30" Rim - $16.50 per tire
Large Agricultural Tires 24"-54" Rim - $27.50 per tire
AnimalsLarge (Livestock) - $27.50/tonne plus $93.50
Small - $18.70/tonne plus $29.70
Diseased Elm Trees/Dutch Elm Diseased Elm trees from within the Melfort corporate limits - Free
Diseased Elm trees from outside the Melfort corporate limits - subject to non-resident of Melfort rate above
Grain Cleanings$39.60/tonne, with one week's notice to the City Foreman prior to disposal
Grain BagsFree for secure, mechanically-rolled and tied grain bags.
$132.00/bag, plus $49.50/1000 kg (2200 lbs.) over 100 kg for unsecure bags

Certain accepted waste can be recycled or have specific disposal procedures - Please ask our attendant for assistance.

Wastes which are ACCEPTED* Wastes which are NOT ACCEPTED
 General wastesHazardous/toxic wastes
 Demolition rubbleLiquid wastes
 Scrap metalBurning wastes
 Scrap tiresStraw, hay, manure 
 Batteries  Contaminated Soil
 Car bodies 
 Clean fill dirt or clay accepted FREE 
*All waste must meet environmental regulations before it will be accepted.
Did you know?
  • That the landfill has video surveillance of the vehicles passing over the scale to help us improve the screening of the loads and to minimize the time you spend on the scale.
  • That there is absolutely no scavaging at the landfill.
  • That you must stop at the scale house after you dump your load.
  • Pick up your free baler twine disposal bag from the landfill and return it for disposal free of charge.
  • The landfill no longer accepts contaminated soil

Used Oil Centre
At the landfill site, the City operates an EcoCentre that accepts used oil, oil filters and oil containers. For more information about this program, please contact the Saskatchewan Association for Resource Recovery Corporation (SARRC) at .

Landfill Site Map
*Click on image below to see larger version.
City of Melfort Landfill