Membership Directory
Business Name | Phone |
1st Choice Graphics inc. | 306-275-2125 |
A & K Enns Trucking | 306-752-5035 |
A & W Melfort | 306-320-9040 |
Affinity Credit Union | 306-752-7450 |
Alcheme Speaking & Coaching Inc. | 306-921-9759 |
Armstrong Trucking & Excavating | 306-752-2751 |
Associate Chiropractic Clinic | 306-752-3215 |
Aurora Financial Solutions | 306-752-4757 |
Backstage | 306-752-9777 |
Blue Moose Media | 306-250-7782 |
Boston Pizza Melfort | 306-752-2200 |
Canalta Melfort | 306-752-4242 |
Carlton Trail College | 306-682-2623 |
Catherine Frederick Drafting and Design | 306-717-7837 |
Catz n' Jammers | 306-752-9411 |
Choice Nutrition Centres Inc. | 306-752-9277 |
City of Melfort | 306-752-5911 |
Cobalt Bay Capital Ltd. | 306-921-4819 |
Country Cuisine Melfort | 306-752-9336 |
Croptimistic Technology | 306-874-9225 |
CZ Ag Inc. | |
Daisies Dreams and Decor | 306- 752-2340 |
Darn Computers | 306-752-9522 |
Diamond Dodge | 306-752-2865 |
Dr. Adeyemi Oladeji Laosebikan | 306-752-8775 |
Dress Well With Gisele | 306-921-5111 |
Duffers Golf Ltd. | 306-921-9396 |
Edward Jones (Main St.) | 306-752-2810 |
Fedorychka Insurance | 306-752-4524 |
FLK Law Firm | 306-752-7777 |
Fountain Tire | 306-752-2260 |
Freedman Enterprises | 306-921-7426 |
FYI Doctors Melfort | 306-752-2464 |
Gateway Veterinary Services | 306-752-7387 |
George Home Hardware | 306-752-3355 |
Global Empowering Leaders | 306-533-7019 |
Golden Grain Bakery | 306-752-5700 |
Ingram & Yeadon Accountants | 306-752-9506 |
Inspired Vapor Company | 306 231-5200 |
Into The Weeds Cannabis | 306-920-9366 |
JBN Promotions | 306-752-8221 |
Liliidae Home & Design | 306-921-3596 |
Mel-City Floral and Home | 306-752-5121 |
Melfort & District Curling Club | 306-752-2799 |
Melfort & District Museum | 306-752-5870 |
Melfort & District Trail Riders | 306-921-8536 |
Melfort Ag Society | 306-752-2240 |
Melfort Amateur Dramatics | 306-921-6423 |
Melfort Arts Council | 306-921-8287 |
Melfort Auto Body | 306-752-5582 |
Melfort Comfy Kennels | 306- 752-4511 |
Melfort Communities in Bloom | 306.921.8955 |
Melfort Cross Country Ski Club | 306-920-9950 |
Melfort Dental Group | 306-752-2266 |
Melfort Golf & Country Club | 306-752-3279 |
Melfort Group Homes | 306-752-2875 |
Melfort Housing Authority | 306-752-7300 |
Melfort Kinette Club | 306-921-7706 |
Melfort Kinsmen Club | 306-921-5252 |
Melfort Legion | 306-752-2713 |
Melfort Liquor Loft | 306-752-5638 |
Melfort Mall Merchants | 306-921-8520 |
Melfort Mustangs | 306-752-2799 |
Melfort Public Library | 306-752-2022 |
Melfort Spiffy Car Wash Ltd. | 306-921-7565 |
Melody Motors Inc. | 306-752-2886 |
MNP LLP | 306-752-5800 |
Modern Flare | 306-752-3330 |
Mohawk Animal Clinic | 306-752-2133 |
Munro Health & Safety Services | 306-921-8581 |
My Setting Special Occasion Rentals | 306-920-7025 |
New Era Ag Technologies | 306-920-0362 |
Newsask Community Futures | 306-873-4449 |
North Central Health Care Foundation | 306-921-8955 |
North East Dental | 306-752-9999 |
North East SPCA | 306-752-7722 |
North Star Law | 306-250-3472 |
Northeast Newcomer Services | 306-873-2672 |
Northeast Outreach and Support Services | 306-752-9464 |
Northern Lights Gallery | 306-752-4930 |
Northland Building Supply Ltd. | 306-752-3366 |
Nutters Everyday Naturals | 306-752-1900 |
Page Seven Catering | 306-863-2220 |
Pam's Place | 204-271-2281 |
Pattison Media Ltd. | 306-752-2587 |
Pederson Family Pharmacy | 306-752-6337 |
Phantom Auto Group | 639-938-7900 |
Phillpot Consulting | 867-446-1711 |
Plus Industries Inc. | 306-752-6501 |
Prairie Hope Wellness | 306-921-8881 |
Prairie North Coop | 306-752-9381 |
Precision Appraisal Services Inc. | 306-752-4331 |
Prince Albert Daily Herald | 306-764 -4276 |
Realty Executives Gateway Realty | 306-752-4004 |
Redhead Equipment | 306-752-2273 |
RH Plumbing & Heating | 306-752-2430 |
RJ's Urban Garden Cafe | 306-752-4736 |
Rotary Club of Melfort | 306-752-2414 |
Royal Lepage Realty | 306-752-5751 |
RR and 3A's Cafe | 306-921-8371 |
SAMA Melfort | 306-921-8326 |
Saskatchewan Regional Parks Association | 306-975-0857 |
Scotiabank | 306-752-8602 |
Selnes Rintoul | 306-752-5777 |
Serca Realty | 306-752-4400 |
Shark Ag Consulting Ltd | 306-920-0362 |
Shark Farms | 306-920-0362 |
Shoppers Drug Mart #442 | 306-752-2717 |
SpaFit by Linda | 306-752-2639 |
Suncrest College | 306-752-8110 |
Tarynn Freed Photography | 306-921-6944 |
Thomas Motors | 306-752-5663 |
TJ's Pizza | 306-752-5299 |
Trifon's Pizza and LUX Lounge | 639-317-9819 |
Ultrasound Clinic Melfort Ltd | 306-921-6056 |
Unified Auto Parts Inc (NAPA) | 306 961-7494 |
Venice House Pizza Melfort / Murphy's Pub | 306-752-7227 |
Vital Signs & Graphics | 306-752-5232 |
Wapiti Valley Regional Park | 306-862-5621 |
Westland Insurance | 306-752-2851 |
Youth Matter | 306-864-7060 |